Bundled with the theme come several font icon sets that you can choose from. To be able use them you have to include the font CSS in your page layout.
To use icon fonts in your design you have to add the respective icon class in the CSS field of content elements or pages. If you p.e. add the class "icon-home" in the CSS field of the home page, a house icon will be displayed in front of the navigation link.
You can find demo HTML files in the /fonts/icon-fonts folders that will help you find the corresponding codes to each icon (but you will only need the code in case you want to use icons in CSS declarations). Below are links to the respective icon font demos that come with the theme. Each contains a different selection of icons. To keep the download size small, it is recommended to go with the smallest possible set of icons.
For this demo website the icon font bundle "Font Awesome" has been included. But you can change this at any time and you even create your own bundle here.