Start building with EasyFlex

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EasyFlex for Contao

EasyFlex is a construction kit for Contao CMS, developed with flexibility and extensibility in mind. It's created in such a way that you can easily adjust everything to fit your needs and therefore make it the perfect starting point for your own projects. Based on a 12-column responsive grid system it allows you to create a multitude of layouts. Additionally the theme comes with many helper classes that make life easier and will save you a ton of time. This demo site shows just some examples of things you can do.

Some Features

Updates made easy

Because EasyFlex does not need third-party extensions to function, it is easy to update your website, without fear of breaking things or waiting for the release of extension updates.

12-column grid system

Place your elements in a grid system by simply adding CSS. Adjust the responsive behaviour for every viewport size to achieve the results you want.

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Several starter sites

All you need to build beautiful websites with EasyFlex is already there. To make it even easier, the theme provides you with several demo sites and many sample blocks.

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Responsive cards

Modern websites make extensive use of cards to organise content. With EasyFlex you can build beautiful layouts with cards.

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Card carousels

Turn news or event cards into responsive carousels that scroll vertically on small screen sizes.

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Predefined design elements

Pick from a number of predefined gradient backgrounds, forms and buttons - or simply create your own.

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Included template sites to start building


Created for churches and associations this demo comes with several subpages for events, blog and media presentation



Created for schools and associations this demo comes with several subpages for events, blog and more. Extend as you like!



This one-page demo is a good starting point to showcase your business or portfolio.
Not only for restaurants :-)



This one-page demo shows stunning effects with video backgrounds.
Create your own dynamic page!